Surprising Verdict From PolitiFact On Biden’s Speech

President Joe Biden’s recent claim regarding discrimination against the LGBTQ community has stirred controversy across the nation. During the “Pride Month 2023” event at the White House, Biden expressed his concern that gay individuals could face marriage in the morning and be denied service at a restaurant in the afternoon. Although met with skepticism initially, PolitiFact, a reputable fact-checking site, surprisingly rated Biden’s claim as “mostly true.”

PolitiFact’s evaluation centered on the fact that 22 states lack anti-discrimination laws protecting individuals based on sexual orientation.

Consequently, it remains legal for business owners in these states to refuse service solely based on sexual orientation or gender identity. While same-sex marriage is federally protected, dining in a restaurant with a same-sex spouse does not enjoy the same level of legal protection.

Although data on the frequency of discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in public places is not readily available, instances of same-sex couples being denied service have been reported. While these instances may be decreasing, it is disheartening to acknowledge that such discrimination is legally permissible in almost half of the states in the U.S.

Biden’s claim highlights a troubling reality that warrants attention and action. While progress has been made, comprehensive legislation is necessary to ensure equal treatment and protection for all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In conclusion, PolitiFact’s assessment verifies the accuracy of Biden’s statement, labeling it as mostly true. It serves as a reminder that discrimination based on sexual orientation remains an issue that needs to be addressed by lawmakers. Let us strive for a society that respects and values every individual, regardless of who they love or how they identify themselves.

Source Fox News