You’ll NEVER Guess Who’s Slamming NYC’s Crime Crisis, Shocking

Republican Representative Matt Gaetz from Florida has spoken out about the dangers of Soros-backed district attorneys, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing about Manhattan’s crime crisis on Monday morning. He accused them of failing to enforce the law and allowing violent criminals to roam free.

Gaetz warned Americans that Soros-funded district attorneys are only multiplying and weakening the law in cities across the country. He singled out Alvin Bragg, the district attorney for New York City, for particular criticism, highlighting his failures in court.

In Gaetz’s fiery monologue, he explained that the criminal justice system in New York City is out of control, with police officers arresting individuals for violent crimes, only to find that they are released back onto the streets within hours. Gaetz warned that the situation is harming the city and called for action.

Gaetz praised the brave New Yorkers who testified during the hearing, calling for some relief from the pain. He assured them that the Republican Party is there to uplift their voices and not to use them as political props.

Soros is allegedly putting up to $40 million to elect 75 DAs to downgrade violent crimes. Gaetz believes that such actions only serve to weaken the law in cities across America. The Republican Party continues to monitor this dangerous trend and work towards keeping American cities safe.
