You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who Got A Memory Boost From A Kid

In yet another embarrassing moment for the Biden administration, President Biden was seen forgetting which country he had visited last and had to be reminded by a child. Biden’s mental state has been a source of concern for many Americans, and this latest incident only adds to those worries.

But it’s not just Republicans who are concerned. A new poll has found that a majority of Democratic voters believe that Biden should not run for a second term in 2024. The poll comes as rumors swirl that Biden is planning to announce his reelection bid next week.

The poll found that only 47% of Democrats said they would like to see Biden run again in 2024, a slight increase from the 37% who said the same thing in January. Among all voters, only 26% said they believed Biden should run for a second term.

Biden’s approval ratings continue to plummet, with a new Fox News poll showing that only 44% of Americans approve of his job performance, while 56% disapprove. This is a net negative of 12 points, and the last time he received positive marks was in September 2021.

The poll also found that a majority of voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of key issues such as national security, foreign policy, border security, and the economy.

Democrats remain largely supportive of Biden, but even among his own party, there are concerns about his ability to lead. The poll found that while 81% of Democrats said they would support him if he were the nominee, a majority said he should not run for a second term.

As the midterms approach, it remains to be seen if Democrats will continue to stand by Biden or if they will turn on him in favor of a more capable leader.
