You Will Never Guess The Real Story Behind The Claimed Trillion-Dollar Reduction

President Biden’s claim of reducing the federal budget deficit by $1.7 trillion is highly misleading and has been fact-checked by The Washington Post. The additional pandemic relief funds and new policies enacted by Biden have actually caused a more modest decline in the deficit than projected, resulting in an increase in the national debt.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revealed a near-$1 trillion deficit in the first seven months of fiscal year 2023 under Biden’s leadership. It’s time to see through Biden’s political theater and demand transparency and accountability in our nation’s finances.


Biden’s claim of reducing the federal budget deficit by $1.7 trillion is highly misleading and has been fact-checked as such.
The additional pandemic relief funds and new policies have caused a more modest decline in the deficit than projected.
The national debt has increased by about $850 billion more than originally projected under Biden’s leadership.
The nonpartisan CBO revealed a near-$1 trillion deficit in the first seven months of fiscal year 2023 under Biden.
It’s important to hold Biden accountable for his misleading claims and prioritize fiscal responsibility.


Biden’s repeated misleading claims about reducing the federal budget deficit are deeply concerning. It’s clear that he is more interested in political theatrics than in providing the American people with accurate information.

We need leaders who prioritize transparency and honesty in our nation’s finances. It’s time to demand accountability from the Biden administration and push for fiscal responsibility to secure a better future for our country.

Source Fox News