Trumps On The ATTACK, Take TWO Guesses Which Former Cabinet Member He’s Going After Now

Former President Donald Trump is trying to prevent former Vice President Mike Pence from testifying about election matters before a grand jury. Trump’s legal team argues that the information is privileged and therefore Pence should not have to testify.

The Department of Justice has requested that Pence be compelled to testify, but he has vowed to fight the subpoena. Takeaways: Trump’s continued legal battles highlight the deep divisions within the Republican Party over the 2020 election results and the future direction of the party.

The fight over Pence’s testimony is just the latest example of Trump’s efforts to maintain his influence within the party, despite losing the presidency. Many GOP leaders have moved on from the election and are focused on winning future elections, while Trump and his supporters continue to claim that the election was stolen from him.

The outcome of this legal battle between Trump and Pence remains uncertain, but it will have implications for the future of the party and its relationship with the former president.

The ongoing investigations into potential election fraud are a source of tension within the party, and the outcome of these investigations could determine the direction of the party in the coming years.

Commentary: The fight over Pence’s testimony is just the latest example of the deep divisions within the Republican Party over the 2020 election results.

Trump and his supporters continue to claim that the election was stolen from him, while many GOP leaders have moved on and are focused on winning future elections.

While it’s understandable that Trump and his supporters want to get to the bottom of any potential election fraud, it’s important that the party also focuses on the future and winning elections.

The ongoing legal battles and investigations are distracting from that goal and could hurt the party’s chances in the long run.

At the same time, it’s important to protect the rights of individuals like Pence who may have information that is relevant to the investigations.

If Pence does ultimately testify, it will be interesting to see what information he provides and how it impacts the ongoing investigations.