The Astonishing Call To The UN That’s Making Waves

A law professor from Howard University, Justin Hansford, has called on the United Nations to establish a reparations tribunal for Black Americans. Hansford argued that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech supports the case for reparations.

He framed reparations as a form of justice or repair, rather than a gift or charity. Hansford suggested that legal concepts such as crimes against humanity and genocide could be applied to support reparations claims. Critics question the historical accuracy of his claims and raise concerns about the implications of government-sanctioned discrimination based on race.


  1. Law professor Justin Hansford is advocating for the establishment of a UN reparations tribunal for Black Americans.
  2. Hansford claims that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. supported reparations, but his interpretation is controversial and disputed.
  3. The framing of reparations as a form of justice or repair raises questions about fairness and the role of government in addressing historical injustices.
  4. Hansford suggests that legal concepts such as crimes against humanity and genocide could be applied to support reparations claims, but critics question the validity of these arguments.
  5. The debate surrounding reparations highlights the need for respectful dialogue and meaningful solutions to address historical injustices while avoiding the perpetuation of division and inequality.

The call for reparations by Justin Hansford is a contentious and polarizing issue. While there is merit in acknowledging historical injustices faced by Black Americans, the approach of government-sanctioned reparations based on race raises concerns about fairness, unity, and the principles of equal opportunity.

It is crucial to find solutions that address systemic issues and promote equal access to education, economic opportunities, and social progress for all Americans. By focusing on policies that uplift and empower individuals, we can create a society where everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of their background.

True justice and equality lie in building a better future for all, not in perpetuating division through race-based reparations.

Source Fox News