SHOCKING: Trump’s Fiery Response to Biden’s Hawaii Wildfire Silence

The wildfires in Maui have left a trail of destruction, claiming numerous lives and causing untold damage. While the nation looks to its leaders for support and guidance during such times, former President Trump has taken to TruthSocial to voice his dismay at President Biden’s silence.

Trump’s heartfelt message to the people of Hawaii was evident as he expressed his condolences to those affected by the wildfires. He emphasized the unprecedented nature of the disaster and the significant loss of life and property. However, his message also contained sharp criticism of the current administration’s handling of the situation.

Trump took issue with Hawaii Governor Josh Green’s response, accusing him of deflecting blame to global warming. But his harshest criticism was reserved for Biden, whom he accused of being dismissive and insensitive to the tragedy. Trump’s words were clear: Biden’s “”no comment”” and his demeanor were “”absolutely horrible and unacceptable.””

Source Fox News