Shocking Stance on The Latest Budget Negotiations, You Need To See This


Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina has taken a stand against the budget deal negotiated by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden. He expressed concerns about the bill’s failure to address IRS expansion and its unlimited spending provision for President Biden.

Despite praising Speaker McCarthy’s negotiation skills, Senator Scott remains skeptical of the bill’s overall merits. He emphasized the need for greater scrutiny of the IRS expansion and its potential consequences.

While some members of the House Freedom Caucus have agreed to support the bill, Representatives Ralph Norman and Chip Roy have expressed opposition, viewing it as a Democratic victory.


  1. Senator Tim Scott opposes the budget deal, citing concerns about IRS expansion and unlimited spending by President Biden.
  2. The bill has faced criticism within the Republican Party, with some members of the House Freedom Caucus initially expressing reservations.
  3. Senator Scott highlights the need for greater scrutiny of the IRS expansion plans and the potential consequences of such a massive expansion.
  4. Representatives Ralph Norman and Chip Roy oppose certain procedural aspects of the bill, considering it a Democratic victory.
  5. Responsible fiscal policies and transparency in government spending should remain top priorities.


Senator Tim Scott’s principled opposition to the budget deal demonstrates his commitment to fiscal responsibility and accountability. By questioning the bill’s provisions and highlighting concerns about IRS expansion, he emphasizes the need for careful examination of government spending.

The fact that some members of the House Freedom Caucus initially had reservations indicates that there are valid concerns within the Republican Party regarding the bill.

This opposition signifies the importance of upholding conservative values and ensuring that the interests of the American people are protected. As we navigate through these challenging times, it is crucial to prioritize responsible fiscal policies that promote transparency and accountability in our government’s financial decisions.

Source Fox News