President Biden has avoided answering questions from reporters regarding the declassification of intelligence on the COVID origins after the House and Senate passed a bill requiring his administration to do so.

Republican Florida Rep. Kat Cammack believes that the president is hesitant to make a decision on the intel reports because it will expose other collusion surrounding the administration and open Pandora’s box.

Cammack claims that declassification will force the administration to take action against China, funding sources for organizations like W.H.O., NIH, CDC, and FDA, and reveal the deep-rooted collusion between the administration and social media companies that have worked overtime to cover up all dissenting opinions on COVID.


The House and Senate have unanimously passed a bill requiring the Biden administration to declassify intelligence on the COVID origins. President Biden has dodged questions from reporters about the decision.

Republican Florida Rep. Kat Cammack believes that the decision will expose deep-rooted collusion between the Biden administration and social media companies that have covered up dissenting opinions on COVID.

The declassification will force the administration to take action against China and funding sources for organizations like W.H.O., NIH, CDC, and FDA.

The decision to declassify will contradict the narrative that the administration has been pushing for years.


The Biden administration’s reluctance to declassify intelligence on the COVID origins raises concerns about what they might be hiding from the public.

Republican Florida Rep. Kat Cammack is correct in saying that the decision would force the administration to take action against China, funding sources for organizations like W.H.O., NIH, CDC, and FDA.

The administration’s fear of opening Pandora’s box suggests that there may be deep-rooted collusion between them and social media companies that have worked overtime to cover up dissenting opinions on COVID.

It’s time for the Biden administration to come clean and reveal the truth to the American people.
