Is This the Next Target? You’ll Never Guess What They’re Considering

In an exclusive report, we uncover the Biden administration’s covert plan to regulate natural gas-powered stovetops. Internal communications obtained through an information request reveal that officials have been actively considering these regulations for over a year. This revelation calls for passionate Republican voters to stand up against this assault on our choices and freedoms.

The four-member Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has been exploring legal justifications for gas stove regulations since last summer. CPSC commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. collaborated with a New York City environmental group, seeking a legal rationale for gas stove standards. This behind-the-scenes coordination between Trumka and the group’s policy manager, Yuwa Vosper, raises serious concerns.

President Biden’s nomination of Trumka in 2021 underscores the administration’s commitment to pushing these intrusive regulations. The fact that they have been actively seeking legal justifications for gas stove standards is deeply troubling. It is an attack on our choice, affordability, and reliability when it comes to our kitchen appliances.

CPSC Chairman Alexander Hoehn-Saric confirmed in a letter that CPSC staff is working on gas stove standards to address potential health risks. While the CPSC claims these are voluntary standards, the implications point to future mandatory regulations. These regulations could potentially remove over half of gas stoves from the marketplace, limiting our access to affordable and reliable kitchen appliances.

It is crucial for Republican voters to hold the Biden administration accountable for its overreaching and out-of-touch regulations. Gas stoves have long been a trusted choice for Americans, providing affordability and freedom in our kitchens. The proposed rule to regulate gas stoves is nothing short of an attack on our way of life.

Republican lawmakers, led by Representative Dan Newhouse, have been vocal in their opposition to these intrusive regulations. They have proposed legislation to curtail the federal government’s ability to implement such actions. It is essential that we support these lawmakers and join forces to defend our right to choose, affordability, and reliability in our kitchens. The Biden administration’s overreach cannot go unchallenged.

Source Fox News