Hunter Biden probe: Another Biden BLUNDER, Guess Who…


Recent revelations have brought the conduct of a prosecutor involved in the Hunter Biden investigation under scrutiny. Whistleblower testimonies from IRS officials have raised concerns about political influence on the investigation. The allegations suggest that the prosecutor limited questioning related to President Biden and blocked search warrants, raising doubts about the fairness and impartiality of the probe.


Whistleblower testimonies from IRS officials have raised questions about the conduct of a prosecutor in the Hunter Biden investigation.
The prosecutor is accused of limiting questioning about President Biden and blocking search warrants.
Allegations point to potential political influence on the investigation.
The credibility of the investigation is called into question due to these allegations.
Congressional lawmakers are demanding answers and oversight from the Justice Department regarding the prosecutor’s actions.


The revelations surrounding the conduct of the prosecutor in the Hunter Biden investigation are deeply concerning. It is essential that investigations are conducted without bias or political influence to ensure a fair and impartial process. These allegations cast doubt on the credibility of the entire investigation and raise important questions that demand answers.

The Justice Department must address these concerns transparently and hold individuals accountable if wrongdoing is found. Regardless of political affiliations, we should all strive for a justice system that operates with integrity and ensures that no one is above the law.

Source Fox News