Biden’s Hawaii Response STUMBLES: White House’s Bold Move Will Leave You SPEECHLESS

The outrage is palpable as the White House defends President Biden’s silence on the situation in Hawaii. Critics have been vocal in their condemnation of the President’s ‘no comment’ response, but the administration’s defense is leaving many conservatives shaking their heads in disbelief.

The situation in Hawaii is serious, and the American people are looking for leadership and guidance. However, the President’s silence has left many feeling abandoned and betrayed.

The White House’s defense of this silence is outrageous to many conservatives. They argue that the President’s ‘no comment’ response is a sign of weakness and indecision. The administration’s defense, claiming that the silence is a strategic move, is seen by many as a poor excuse.

Critics are calling for clear and decisive action, not vague and ambiguous statements. The White House’s response has only added to the frustration and disappointment felt by many conservatives.

The outrage over the President’s silence and the White House’s defense of it is a clear indication of the administration’s failure to connect with the American people. The situation in Hawaii requires strong leadership, and the President’s ‘no comment’ response is simply not good enough.

Source Fox News