Biden Under SIEGE, The Latest Scandal The MEDIA Is Ignoring

President Joe Biden’s recent $250,000 line of credit on his Delaware beach house has raised suspicion and concern from the Republican party.

Despite public knowledge of the loan for nearly a month, the White House has refused to answer any questions about the loan’s purpose or why the president felt the need to take out such a large line of credit.

This lack of transparency only adds to the mounting concerns about the Biden administration’s potential conflicts of interest and questionable financial dealings.


The timing and purpose of the loan on Biden’s Delaware beach house is suspect and raises questions. The White House’s lack of transparency and refusal to answer follow-up questions is unacceptable.

With investigations into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and ongoing questions about Joe Biden’s own potential conflicts of interest, transparency and accountability are crucial.

The American people deserve honest answers from their elected officials. The mounting concerns about the Biden administration’s potential conflicts of interest and questionable financial dealings must be addressed.


The lack of transparency and accountability from the Biden administration is unacceptable. Republican voters demand answers about the suspicious loan on Biden’s Delaware beach house and the potential conflicts of interest and questionable financial dealings of the Biden family.

The American people deserve elected officials who are honest and forthcoming, and it’s time for the White House to provide the transparency and accountability that the public demands.