Another surprising critic emerges in the fight against Biden’s climate initiatives. You’ll Never Guess Who.

Republican Senators, led by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, have shed light on the left-wing climate initiatives hidden within President Biden’s 2024 budget request. In a memo shared with GOP members of the Senate Appropriations Commerce, Justice, Science Subcommittee, Cruz exposes the misguided priorities that threaten to undermine our nation’s progress.

The memo scrutinizes the budget requests of prominent agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). It reveals the alarming inclusion of projects that prioritize political agendas over the agencies’ primary missions.

Let’s take a closer look at NOAA, an agency responsible for weather forecasts and coastal restoration. The memo urges opposition to any funding that deviates from NOAA’s core mission, such as advancing equity or addressing climate change and environmental justice. It raises concerns about the Coastal Management Fellowship’s focus on equity, diverting resources from NOAA’s primary responsibilities.

NASA, too, has come under scrutiny for its funding priorities. The memo questions the $22 million request for the Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity, emphasizing the need for resources to be directed towards scientific endeavors rather than DEI programs.

Furthermore, it expresses skepticism about NASA’s increased budget request for its Earth Science program, which heavily emphasizes climate change. It rightly argues that NASA should focus on scientific pursuits rather than becoming a platform for anti-fossil fuel environmentalists.

The NIST, an agency vital to U.S. industrial competitiveness, has made controversial requests as well. The memo opposes the agency’s appeal for $5.5 million to boost the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability program and $2.2 million to support DEI programs. It asserts that NIST’s primary focus should be promoting innovation, not entrenching DEI initiatives across various departments.

Lastly, the NSF’s budget request raises significant concerns. With a staggering 65% year-over-year increase, it places an excessive emphasis on climate change, clean energy-related activities, and DEI initiatives.

The memo highlights the disconnect between these requests and the NSF’s statutory responsibilities. Funding for clean energy technology and climate equity fellowships should not take precedence over scientific research and discovery.

Senator Ted Cruz and his Republican colleagues have taken a stand against the left’s encroachment on our government agencies. They are unwavering in their commitment to expose and challenge wasteful expenditure on political agendas that detract from the agencies’ primary missions.

As passionate Republican voters, it is our duty to support Senator Cruz and demand accountability from our elected officials. Together, we can ensure that these left-wing climate initiatives are unveiled and defeated. Let us uphold the principles that have made America great and safeguard our values for generations to come.

Source Fox News