Another jaw-dropping incident at the White House!

“In a recent social media post, former President Trump expressed his concerns regarding the discovery of cocaine at the White House, directing attention towards the Biden family. Trump questioned whether the cocaine found in the West Wing, in close proximity to the Oval Office, could be attributed to anyone other than Hunter and Joe Biden.

Anticipating the media’s response, Trump predicted that they would downplay the incident, dismissing the cocaine as common aspirin. He also turned his focus to Special Counsel Jack Smith, who recently indicted him on charges related to classified documents. Trump playfully suggested that Smith, in his opinion, resembled a “”crackhead.””

Trump called for transparency, urging the release of security tapes that would shed light on the origin of the drugs. He believes that these tapes, which he willingly provided to Smith, hold the key to solving the mystery. However, there has been no immediate response from the White House or the Department of Justice regarding Trump’s remarks.

The Secret Service discovered the cocaine in an area of the West Wing frequently used by guests and staff, leading to a building evacuation and emergency response. Although President Biden and his son Hunter were not present at the White House.


Former President Trump has raised concerns about the discovery of cocaine at the White House, pointing fingers at the Biden family. Trump questioned whether anyone other than Hunter and Joe Biden could be responsible for the drugs found in the West Wing. He predicted that the media would downplay the incident and theorized that they would dismiss the cocaine as common aspirin.

Trump also directed attention towards Special Counsel Jack Smith, whom he described as resembling a “”crackhead.”” He demanded transparency and requested the release of security tapes that could reveal the true origin of the drugs. The White House and the Department of Justice have not yet responded to Trump’s remarks.

The Secret Service found the cocaine in an area of the West Wing used by guests and staff, leading to an evacuation of the building. President Biden and his son were not present at the White House during the discovery.


Trump raises concerns about cocaine found at the White House, implicating the Biden family.
Predicts media will downplay the incident and dismiss the cocaine as aspirin.
Points finger at Special Counsel Jack Smith, calling him a “”crackhead.””
Demands release of security tapes to uncover the true origin of the drugs.
White House and Department of Justice have not responded to Trump’s remarks.


The discovery of cocaine at the White House raises significant questions about the Biden family’s involvement and the overall security of the premises. Former President Trump’s concerns are valid, as it is essential to investigate the origins of the drugs and determine who may be responsible.

The media’s potential downplaying of this incident is concerning, as it undermines the importance of transparency and accountability. The involvement of Special Counsel Jack Smith in this situation raises additional doubts about the impartiality of the investigation.

The American people deserve answers, and it is crucial for the White House and the Department of Justice to address these concerns promptly.”

Source Fox News